SEASONAL FRUITSBlood Oranges - Cumquat – Ellendale Mandarins - Grapefruit – Lady Williams Apples - Lemon – Murcot Mandarins – Papaya - Paw Paw – Seville Oranges - Smooth Leaf Pineapple - Tangelo
SEASONAL VEGETABLESArtichoke - Asian Greens – Asparagus – Avocados – Broad Beans –Broccoli – Cabbage – Carrot - Cauliflower - Green Beans – Garlic – Ginger – Leek – Lettuce - Mushrooms - Onions – Peas - Potato - Pumpkin - Silverbeet - Spinach
IDEA ONE: COOKING UP A STORMLook for quirky but beautiful pots and pans that you can use for cooking and baking
IDEA TWO: KITCHEN TOOLSGo hunting for unique but practical utensils such as wooden spoons, egg flippers and salad servers
IDEA THREE: THRIFTED PICNICCreate your own picnic set by finding cutlery pieces that can be placed in your picnic basket
IDEA FOUR: BASKETS GALORECollect a few woven baskets that you can use for harvesting fresh produce from the garden
IDEA FIVE: STORING SUGGESTIONUse thrifted ceramic bowls to store potatoes, onions and other vegetables in your pantry
IDEA SIX: FRESH HERBSGo looking for ceramic pots that you can paint and then place on your windowsill to grow fresh herbs