26 March 2019 - Posted by The Sisterhood of Sustainability
Easter is just around the corner and we can't wait to celebrate with you! We're super excited to overindulge on chocolate, spend time with family and friends and spread the love this holiday! We've created the best collection of eco-friendly and conscious gifts so that you can still spoil your family without all the guilt.
Easter morning is our favourite, the crisp morning air with the excitement running through the house for the day ahead. The anticipation of who will find the most Easter eggs which are sprinkled throughout the garden. Freshly picked flowers and hot coffee. Absolutely perfect!
Try these beautiful and luxurious ideas to make your Easter celebrations extra special:
For breakfast: Slice open croissants and layer with ham and cheese. Put under griller for 5 minutes or until cheese has melted and serve hot with a side of freshly squeezed orange juice.
For fun: Carefully poke holes into the top and bottom of a few eggs and drain the yolk from the centre. Leave to dry for awhile and then decorate the outside with your favourite coloured paint, pens or eco glitter!
To decorate: Wander around your garden and find an interesting looking branch and place into a vase in the centre of your table. Adorn it with fresh flowers and cute decorations and you’ll have the most beautiful Easter branch!
To add some colour: Go for a walk to you local park or bushland area and pick a bouquet of fresh wildflowers and beautiful greenery. The more colours the better!
To keep the kids busy: Print out a few Easter colouring pages and hold a competition for the best and most creative piece of artwork.
To drink: If you haven't tried it already, drinking Baileys out of a chocolate egg is definitely something you need to do! It's the perfect blend of creaminess and sweetness.
If it's raining: Set up your Easter egg hunt inside, they’ll be plenty of great places to hide all of those delicious chocolate eggs!
From all the team at The Sisterhood of Sustainability, we'd love to wish you and your family a very Happy Easter! We hope that you've loved reading our unique ideas and inspiration for celebrating Easter...
Let us know what your special and sustainable Easter traditions and ideas are by commenting below!