It can seem overwhelming when transitioning from a disposable life to a more sustainable option but that’s where my help and these handy tips can make all the difference! There are a lot of changes you can make to live greener and cleaner but I’d like to help with some of the more prominent and easily fixed issues.
There are so many beautiful and luxurious, zero waste alternatives to every day moments and products. We're going to show you how to create your own natural, organic products at home...
It can seem overwhelming when transitioning from a disposable life to a more sustainable option but that’s where my help and these handy tips can make all the difference! There are a lot of changes you can make to live greener and cleaner but I’d like to help with some of the more prominent and easily fixed issues. It’s obvious that glad wrap isn’t a sustainable packaging option and that way too much of this toxic material is finding it’s way into landfill. Lucky for our Earth (and you), there’s a cost effective and creative solution! Why not make your own Beeswax wraps at home? Here’s a step by step guide:
Choose a thin piece of 100% cotton fabric with the tightest weave that you can find. Coloured and patterned material works best because the beeswax tends to discolour.
Measure out a square to your desired size (you could cut a selection of sizes to suit different food items) Try using a cardboard template or ruler so that you can get the shape right.
Use zig zag sizes to cut the fabric as this will prevent the cotton from fraying.
Grate one heaped tablespoon of beeswax. This amount can vary depending on the thickness and size of the material you have used.
Spread the grated beeswax event over the fabric and place onto a baking tray. Place in oven at 80 degrees celsius for a few minutes or until the wax melts.
Use a pastry or paint brick to even out the wax and make sure to spread all the way into the corners. If the wax is sticking to the brush, it needs to be placed into the oven for longer.
Place the cotton in the oven for another minute and then be sure to use tongs to remove the wrap from the tray. Hang the wrap up to dry and be careful as the wax gets very hot.
You can now use the wraps to cover jars, wrap sandwiches or store vegetables. Store wraps in the fridge when you’re not using them so that the wax stays cool. To clean the wraps, use warm soapy water and then rinse. Hot water can melt the wax off.
It’s no surprise that organic and natural skincare is expensive (or any skincare for that matter) and as always, it’s important to know what you’re putting on and into your body. Here's a few recipes that you can easily use at home to create luxurious and nourishing products that are safe to use everyday.
NOURISHING FACIAL SCRUB Combine quarter of a cup of honey, one tablespoon of cinnamon and a pinch of tumeric in a jar. Stir until all ingredients are combined . Rinse face with warm water to open pores then gently massage scrub over face for 2 minutes. Leave scrub on face for up to half an hour to let the honey soak in and use its antimicrobial properties. Rinse with water.
SOOTHING LOTION Take 2 sprigs of aloe vera, peel them, cut into pieces and then mash them into a liquid inside a jar. Add a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of coconut oil and combine. Can be used on all body parts but is especially good for treating sunburn. Leave lotion on for as long as possible so that it has the chance to soak in and then rinse with cold water. If you're wanting to invent your own natural body products, here's a list of great ingredients to use that have exceptional healing properties: Coconut oil, aloe vera, nutmeg, honey, cinnamon, tomato, honey, turmeric, wattle seed, lemon, ginger and lavender.
Chemical cleaning products are expensive, unhealthy and also pollute waterways but luckily there are natural, safe and cheap options available! Here are a few great organic recipes to try...
OVEN CLEANER Scrub the inside of your oven with wet steel wool then cover with baking soda. Leave for around 20 minutes and then rub clean with a damp cloth.
BURNT SAUCEPAN MIRACLE CLEANER We've all been there! Left the saucepan on the stove too long and burnt the bottom.. You've probably tried to convince yourself that it's easier to just throw the saucepan away rather than spend hours scrubbing away at it but you only need one thing to solve this problem fast! LEMON! Cut a lemon in half, squirt the juice onto the burnt patch and leave for 15 minutes. come back to clean it and it will simply wipe away. Magic!
There’s plenty more organic and easy recipes for various products and that’s why we’ll be sharing more in the weeks to come! If you have any natural products that you have made at home and would like to share, make sure you let us know by commenting below